To couple with our SB-XP announcement earlier this week, we have an update for the Smash Box and its Designer Software! Smash Box 4.04 is a cleanup and update of our existing Smash Box codebase to make it more streamlined. Download Smash Box Designer and Firmware Update New and Updated Profiles...
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We're proud to announce and launch the Smash Box Experience! It brings all the features and functionality of the Smash Box to the hands of modders, controller engineers, and arcade controller enthusiasts. Build your experience, and take advantage of the customization of the Smash Box Designer. Here's LCC | Luberry...
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Starting right now, we're offering a bundled option with Smash Box that comes with our GC Adapter - at the price of $209.99! This is a $20 savings compared to if you bought them separately. On the Smash Box product page above the "ADD TO CART" button, there will be a...
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Advocate, Representative, and Cross|Up tier backers have received their surveys via Kickstarter (check your emails and/or Kickstarter accounts)These surveys are to get ahead of things: mostly get tshirt orders going and finalize peoples' addresses. The June 19th date is only to help us get the tshirt order started ahead of...
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Play Games Never Thought Possible Download Cross|Up Designer 1.07 A joystick that does more than only arcade games? The Hit Box Cross|Up now lets you control analog Left Stick, analog Right Stick, and Dpad all while maintaining the classic nostalgic feel of a digital lever. Bring the Hit Box mindset to the Z-Plane! Our latest addition in...
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