News — Cross|Up

The Future of Cross|Up

A significant amount of time has passed since our last restock of the Cross|Up. Many of our supporters have been patiently waiting on more news, and we would like to offer some insight into the current state and future of the Cross|Up. We will be selling a supply of Cross|Ups...

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Cross|Up & Wingman FGC Bundle Discount

February 26th, 2024 Starting today, if you purchase a Cross|Up and Brook Wingman FGC in the same order on our website, you will receive $24.99 off of your order! Cross|Up: Brook Wingman FGC:   In addition, we have this same discount bundle for Hit Box as well: Hit...

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Cross|Up Designer 2.00

  The Cross|Up is getting an update in the form of Designer 2.00! This update simplifies the installation process, improves communication between your Cross|Up and your PC, includes more customization options in the Designer, and provides tons more profiles for all types of genres! Overview: Version Compatibility New Features Designer...

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