
The Future of Cross|Up

A significant amount of time has passed since our last restock of the Cross|Up. Many of our supporters have been patiently waiting on more news, and we would like to offer some insight into the current state and future of the Cross|Up. We will be selling a supply of Cross|Ups...

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Social Media Platforms

A lot of things are changing on major social media platforms recently, which has led to migration to other platforms. For those wanting to continue to follow us, here are our social media accounts: Bluesky: Discord: Facebook: Instagram: Reddit: Threads: TikTok: X:

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Thank you EVO!

EVO 2024 EVO 2024 was fantastic! We want to thank Rick, Markman, Justin, and the rest of the EVO staff for taking care of us. Thank you Gaming Gen for taking care of our boothing needs, and for being the MVPs of the FGC year after year. We really cannot...

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Hit Box Arcade at EVO 2024

We will see you all at EVO! Location We will be at booth D-1: to the right after entering the main entrance. We will be right next to ATTASA and Gamers4Gamers. EVO map: here. Schedule The EVO venue is open at 8:30 am every day, and closes around 10 pm. Below is...

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