We are proud to announce that Watch is joining us as a brand ambassador to help us with awareness and community development in Japan and East Asia! Watch has been running Smash events in Tokyo since February 2018, and is one of the most prominent tournament organizers - currently partnered with VGBC...
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This week our player from Japan, Kawano, won the Topanga Championship 3! 『ストV CE』トパンガチャンピオンシップ シーズン3優勝はカワノ選手! その強さをFAVのsako・りゅうせいに聞く https://t.co/jdzHIGWdUA pic.twitter.com/2yyQoFcTLW — ファミ通.com (@famitsu) July 9, 2021 He outplaced many strong players in the event, such as Tokido, Fuudo, Daigo, Bonchan, Sako, Fujimura, and many others! Below are the results from...
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We are proud to announce that Densetsu is joining us as a player and streamer! Desetsu has been a Hit Box player since January 2019, and was part of the Hit Box Army in 2019 traveling to events. hang on one second... (absolutely)🌃: https://t.co/tEAM0W13LE pic.twitter.com/ruc0CuJ4iq — Densetsu (@PianoDensetsu) June...
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After playing on both the Alpha and Final versions of the Cross|Up, JDCR shares his thoughts. He also showcases some cool techniques on the Cross|Up to improve your play in Tekken 7!
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Our Community Manager, Cameron, did an interview with Daniel for Can I Play That? where they talked about the history of Hit Box, controller design, and accessibility. Daniel previously did a review of the Hit Box and loved it, and wanted to get to know us and what we are...
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