SSBM - Short Hop Fast Fall Missile

Tired of having only of half your gameplan when someone counterpicks FD?  Short Hop Fast Fall Missle will rocket propel your neutral game to the next level!  This is a theory technique that Smash Box now makes VIABLE!  In this short guide I will show you how to go from zero to Metroid Prime! 

We will be demonstrating using this awesome layout!  For more information on how to make your own custom button layout, click here!!

    Short Hop

    Short Hop (tap Jump (X) (release within 3 frames))

    Samus has the fastest tier of jump squat, meaning that even short hopping can be tricky at first!  In order for Samus to Short Hop, we need to be on-and-off the Jump button very quickly!

    If you study how my finger is Short Hopping, I am not actually hammering the button down-and-up, I am passing through the button!  This takes literally all the sluggishness out of any button you press you make and is the easiest way to master the Short Hop.

    Don Not Do This:
    Press Down

    Release Up

    Do This:
    Press THROUGH the button
    Let the button spring back up on its own.

    This way you are doing one motion that presses and releases!  That is the fastest way to master Short Hops!

    Short Hop Fast Fall Missile

    Short Hop (tap Jump (X) (release within 3 frames))
    Wait (until apex of the Jump)

    Fast Fall Missile (Down + Y2 Modifier -> Forward + Special (B))

    The Y2 Modifier is a very special modifier that allows this all to happen.  By holding down Y2 we are still able to Fast Fall; and when we are switching from Down to Down + Forward we are getting a tilt angle that is shallow enough to still get a Side B Missile.

    We can press Y2 Modifier either with the Down direction or the Forward direction.  Personally I find it better to press and hold Y2 with the Down button so there is one less thing I can screw up later.  Every misstep we can eliminate helps with consistency.

    TIP:  Y2 Modifier requires your Smash Box to be in Tilt Mode by making sure the D-Pad Switch is in the Circle "O" position in the top left corner.  That turns your Left Thumb buttons turn into modifiers that allow you do Tilt Attacks and Recovery Angles!


    First we have to be able to time the apex of our jump.  Once we are at the top of our Short Hop, that is when we initiate the Fast Fall into Missile.  This timing is easy to practice along with your Short Hops, just practice Jumping into Fast Fall until you are extremely comfortable with both parts.

    The act of switching from Fast Fall to Missile has to be done instantly.  It should be practiced as a frame-perfect input, just like pivots or JC Shine or any other extremely difficult technique in Melee.  And thus, this is where lots of practice comes in.

    The main timing error usually happens with your right hand on the Special (B Button).  Getting both hands to cooperate with tight timing requires some patience and skill.

    TIP:  Listen to the sound of the buttons when I Fast Fall into Missile:  You can hear the timing.  And once you hear the timing and do it, you can feel the timing.  The arcade buttons allow you to really get an intimate knowledge of how the technique is performed, which is why Smash Box accels so much at tight timing such as this!

    Runaway SHFF Missile

    Dash Short Hop (tap Back -> Jump (X) (release within 3 frames))
    Wait (hold Back and wait until apex of the Jump)

    Fast Fall Missile (Down + Y2 Modifier -> Forward + Special (B))

    Run. Jump. Shoot.  Whichever direction you are holding, that is the where you are shooting.  On Smash Box we are able to easily kite our opponent and drop a Missile anywhere!

    This technique is missing from every Samus player's game.  And Final Destination will not be as uphill of a fight now that SHFF Missile is joining the meta!  On stages with platforms we can even mix up whether we are going to land on a platform or drop through it with a Missile.  What a fun new toy to keep any opponent on their toes.

    If you have any questions about Melee on Smash Box, please join our community on Discord and visit the #Melee channel. In addition, be sure explore the "Hit Box" and "SSBM" tags at the bottom of the post for more How-To content.
