Loading and Saving on Smash Box

This will be an overview on how to Load and Save information to and from your Smash Box through the Designer Software, so you can put your profile editing and button remapping to the test.

Before you continue, be sure you have the Smash Box Designer Software: Downloads Page

Basic Directions

  1. Open the Smash Box Designer
  2. Plug your Smash Box into your PC via the USB-B cable
  3. Select "Load/Save Values from/to Smash Box" in the bottom right of the window
  4. Click "OK" or "Yes" in the pop up
  5. You're good to go!


The most important thing is that you don't want to overwrite anything that you already have on your Smash Box. So you'll need to load what you have on your controller into the Designer, and edit from there.

When you have the Designer Software open, and your Smash Box plugged in using the USB-B port on the side, select "Load Values from Smash Box" at the bottom right of the window.

This window should pop up. Select "OK."

As it loads the values a debug menu will show up, most computers will output an audible cue and it should show this once it is done.

Note: If it fails to load, try the "Use A Specific COM Port" option at the bottom of the window.

The profile values and layouts you had on your Smash Box should be in the Designer for you to edit and customize!


Once you've done all the customization that you want, you're going to want to save that onto your Smash Box so you can use and test out your ideas.

With your Smash Box plugged in to your PC, select "Save All Changes to Smash Box" at the bottom right of the Designer window.

This window should pop up. Select "Save Changes to Cross|Up."

As it saves the values a debug menu will show up, most computers will output an audible cue and it should show this once it is done.

Note: If it fails to load, try the "Use A Specific COM Port" option.

Everything should be on your Smash Box now and ready to play!

If you are having issues with designer, please try our troubleshooting blog: Smash Box Designer Help.

If you have any questions, check out our other information on Smash Box and the Designer through the tags and links below.

May your inputs be blessed,

