The Dragon Punch motion (or "DP") is a pivotal input for specials in fighting games. Here we will teach you the 623 motion in UNI 2 on Hit Box.
Dragon Punch
Standard Input - Player 1 Side
The Dragon Punch motion is fairly simple. Start with Forward, release, then go from Down to Down-Forward.
Down + Forward
SOCD Input - Player 2 Side
On Player 2 side we are showcasing the SOCD method. This will be more consistent for players with ring/third fingers that are not as dexterous as their index fingers.
Practicing from both sides is extremely important to have consistent gameplay. Ensure to always train from Player-2 side when you are learning inputs.
Down + Forward

Tiger Knee Dragon Punch
Input the dragon punch first, then Jump and then Attack. This is the best way to get your special as low to the ground as possible. The Attack button must be delayed for a small amount of time after pressing Up, otherwise the special will not be output.
Down + Forward
Down + Forward + Up
Down + Forward + Up + Attack

For Player 2 side we are showcasing the SOCD Dragon Punch technique. Using this method can help most people with limitations with their ring/third finger.
And remember, delay the Attack input a little bit after the pressing the Up button.
For more on Tiger Knee motions: UNI 2 on Hit Box - Tiger Knee Motions.
Forward + Down + Back
Forward + Down (Release Back)
Forward + Down + Up
Forward + Down + Up + Attack
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And, as always, may your inputs be blessed!