Dash Attack in Under Night In-Birth II is a simple input but can be made quicker with knowledge of Instant Dash techniques.
Standard Motion
Player 1 Side
Tap Forward twice in quick succession. Try to focus on pressing the second Forward input at the same time as the Attack input.
Player 2 Side
Even though this is a simple input, we highly recommend always practicing your techniques on Player 2 side just as much, if not more, than on Player 1 side.
Double-Tap Method
Player 1 Side
Using the Double-Tap technique, you can be quick with Dash Attack.
Double Tap is the method using two fingers to press a single button. In this case, we are showcasing using the middle finger and index finger.
Player 2 Side
Slide the middle finger through the Forward button (across the edge of the button) and then follow that directly with your index finger to press Forward again.
SOCD Method
Player 1 Side
SOCD allows you to have the quickest Dash Attack possible.
Pressing Forward + Back at the same time outputs neutral, or no direction. We can use this to get a Dash Attack out faster.

Player 2 Side
As we mentioned before, it is paramount you practice this technique on Player 2 side. Get the rhythm first, then work on speed.

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In addition, if you have any questions, please join our community on Discord and visit the #airdash-fighters channel.
And, as always, may your inputs be blessed!