Electric Wind Godfist Tutorial

The precision of using all buttons makes the EWGF extremely reliable on Hit Box. The iconic motion of F * D DF+2 requires a perfect just-frame ending of Down-Forward + 2. So why would this be better on Hit Box than your traditional pad or joystick? Read on!
Simply put: Hit Box uses the exact same Sanwa buttons for Directions and Attacks. With this layout it is much easier for your hands to coordinate together equilaterally and master your Mishima just-frames. If both hands require the same exact coordination, it is naturally more consistent to time the same exact frame.
Now compare two equal arcade buttons to a traditional joystick lever and DPad: To hit a just-frame Down-Forward + 2, there is a completely different throw distance / gram force for your left hand and right hands. Inherently, the lever and DPad (especially lever) are a left-right tilting motion, and the EWGF requires you to roll into a diagonal Down-Forward for the finishing just-frame. Whereas on the other hand, the attack button is an down-up press of a button. There is also travel distance, gram force, and tactile feel.
With practice it is consistent enough on any controller, but the muscle memory can be simplified so that you nail it in the clutch of a high-pressure match. As a pro gamer you should always be striving for that 99% success rate!
In this tutorial, we will overview EWGF in Tekken 7 so that you can fist, hook and skyrocket your way up the ranks to Tekken God Prime!
Standard Electrics
Down + Forward + 2

EWGF requires you to hit the attack button at the EXACT same frame as the Down-Forward. Mastery of EWGF requires us to think about our directions in terms of buttons: "Down" into "Down + Forward." Since we are already holding the "Down" button, the finale can be simplified to Forward + 2!

My personal technique is to automate the Down button and only mentally think about Forward + 2. To do this I slightly raise my Index Finger (or Ring Finger P2 side) to delay the Forward input. By doing so the Down button is automatically hit before the Forward. Now I can focus only on timing Forward + 2 and not the EWGF motion as a whole!
This will all happen automatically in your muscle memory. In hindsight I did not do a great job demonstrating this concept in the videos here. It became so second nature that I forgot... (Oops!)
TIP: Turn on input history and practice only the Forward + 2. Your hands will synchronize quickly as you watch your input history for consistent just-frames. Focus with your mind's eye on the sound and the feeling of hitting Forward +2!
P2 Side:
Down + Forward + 2

Diagonal EWGF / Omen / JFSR

Turn on input history and practice the just-frame Down + Forward + 2. It is the tricky part of the input, so it is best to begin by isolating the hard part and focusing your efforts there first.
Down + Forward + 2

Mastering this motion is required for the Perfect EWGF, meaning the motion was input in three frames. Linking a counterhit Down-Forward + 1 and then timing a PEWGF is one of the hardest moves in Tekken (and any fighting game). It is out of the scope of this tutorial, but this is the input to master. Please let us know if you would like to see a PEWGF breakdown tutorial in the future.
For now we are focusing on the characters who share this motion. For Kazuya it is an alternate way to throw out Electrics, but this is a privilege! Heihachi can't do this for electrics... but it is the input for his Omen Thunder Godfist! If you main Heihachi, attack with 1 instead. Forward * Down + Forward + 1.
Down + Forward + 4

"Hit Box Hwoarangs" are able to seamlessly punish everything with their trusty Skyrocket. The fundamental concept of this whole tutorial is that it is easier to coordinate your left and right hands for just-frames when there are equally buttons on both sides.
Remember: When studying these videos, turn the sound on. One of my biggest recommendations for learning is to get as many senses involved as possible! Hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling, etc., makes for better long-term memory in general. Listen to the crisp button hit for D+F+4. Feel what it's like when hit the buttons on the same frame. Keeping this in mind will significantly speed up your road to mastery.
Please let us know if this guide is helping you learn how to EWGF and if you would like more Tekken content! Your feedback is always important to us. Our social media and discord info is located below at the bottom. Join us in the community and let us know what you think!
Happy Training!
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- HBDustin co-created the Hit Box controller with his brother Shawn and is currently acting as company president. He also creates educational content for you with love and has been the acting hands guy in Hit Box videos for the past decade.