Updating Firmware on Cross|Up

We want to ensure that your Cross|Up is up-to-date with the Designer you are using. Ensuring this will give you access to new features we add and update going forward.

Before you continue, be sure you have the Cross|Up Designer Software: Downloads Page

Updating the Firmware

Updating the firmware is a pretty straight-forward process.

First thing to do is to ensure you Cross|Up is not plugged into a console or PC from the top port, and that you are using the side USB-B port to connect to the PC.

Next, open up the latest Designer, and select the option menu on the right side of the Designer.

A window should open up. Select the "Reinitialize/Upgrade Controller Firmware" option.

Use the "Specify COM Port" option and select the COM port of that associates with your Cross|Up.*

Then select "Initialize All Defaults."


*If there are multiple COM ports to select from, determine which COM port to use by following our troubleshooting guide linked at the bottom of this post

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If you are having any issues with your Cross|Up Designer, please use our troubleshooting guide: https://www.hitboxarcade.com/blogs/support/cross-up-designer-troubleshooting. If this guide does not solve your issue, please reach out to support@hitboxarcade.com, or visit our Discord and post in the #tech-support channel.


For more information and guides on the Cross|Up Designer, browse through the Cross|Up Designer Index or use select the "Designer" tag at the bottom of this post.
