Did you know there are more pre-loaded profiles than what is simply accessed by the profile switch? There are 8 additional profiles on the Cross|Up that we call our "Secret Menu." This guide will give you a quick tour of all the fun profiles that are waiting for you in the Secret Menu.

You access the secret menu by putting your profile switch into the "II" or back position, and then holding a specific face button when plugging the controller in.

This new profile replaces the "II" position on the profile while plugged in. Secret Menu profiles do not stay active between play sessions, and you will need to hold the Secret Menu button while plugging in every time you play to access that profile.
If you end up liking one of the Secret Menu profiles a lot, but do not want to access it this way, you can always import and save these onto one of your main three profile slots. Find the Secret Menu profiles and more by using the "Browse Profiles" function at the top of the Designer Software window. More info: here.
DPad Up - Tekken Split
Set your Cross|Up to profile switch "II" then hold the thumb button while you are plugging in your Cross|Up. The following profile will now be active on switch "II":

This may be the strongest way to play Tekken.
Putting "Left" and "Right" at the center of your layout maximizes your movement and accuracy.
It takes some muscle memory rewiring, but it is worth it. Remember to think in
Tekken logic:
1 Left Punch / 2 Right Punch
3 Left Kick / 4 Right Kick
* Re-bind and swap 'Down' and 'Up' for
2D games such as Mortal Kombat, KoF,
air-dashers, etc.
Legacy Digital-Only Mode
Hit Box SOCD
Additional Notes From Dustin:
This profile is a super-optimized example of a cross-input layout to utilize the extra directional buttons without moving your hand away from the attack buttons. There are limitless examples of what can be accomplished here.
Korean Backdash: Hold Back [Tap Down, Tap Forward]
While holding Back on the lever, drum your thumb and middle finger. Make sure that there is neutral space between the button taps! The "negative edge" of releasing the extra directional buttons is what gives you a perfect KBD motion.
The "Tekken Split" layout lets you maximize your movement, while still perfectly covering your attacks on reaction. Don't forget about Low Parry on reaction with the extra buttons either! Oh, did I mention electrics?
For now, check out our Tekken Cross|Up content for the default layout on profile switch "I" and imagine how it would feel on this layout!
P1 - Top Tier (Game Remapping)
Set your Cross|Up to profile switch "II" then hold the P1 button while you are plugging in your Cross|Up.

Move your hand's default position up a row and let your thumb always be readied to react with L1 / L2 / L3.
Remap up to 11 actions in-game and put those convenient 'macro' binds to good
Drive Impact / Parry / Throw
Dash / Faultless Defense
Additional Notes From Dustin:
If you like the idea of having a Drive Impact or Drive Parry or any specific action permanently ready to react, this maximizes it further: You now have 3 dedicated action binds (L1 / L2 / L3) always ready to press on reaction without moving your hand.
Top Tier: This layout is not only a top tier for effectiveness, but also it's literally top tier! By effectively moving your hand up one row, you have sacrificed one pinky button in exchange for three thumb buttons. This is the ultimate layout for traditional stick play.
P2 - Top Tier Disjointed (True Neutral)
Set your Cross|Up to profile switch "II" then hold the P2 button while you are plugging in your Cross|Up.

Move your hand's position to the top row and keep your thumb always ready
to react.
Drive Impact / Drive Parry / Throw etc.
Remap R3 in-game and put those convenient 'macro' binds to good use!
Add L3 and Touchpad to this layout for up to 11 actions!
SOCD True Neutral
Additional Notes From Dustin:
Similar to "Top Tier (Game Remapping)" shown above, by moving your layout up one row of buttons you are losing a top pinky button but gaining three easy-to-access thumb buttons.
This layout combines the "react with your thumb" concept with all of the perks of having a disjointed lever. And beyond preventing accidental jumps, the disjointed "no up on stick" concept is a real powerhouse when it comes to utilizing SOCD Neutral (Down + Up), as well as aggressive new joystick motions. This profile has access to both worlds and is my personal pick for SF6.
P3 - Fightcade (Digital-Only Mode)
Set your Cross|Up to profile switch "II" then hold the P3 button while you are plugging in your Cross|Up.

- This profile preserves all of the Cross|Up controller tech without all the setup.
- Only map DPad in-game and let your Cross|Up do the rest!
Hit Box SOCD
P4 - Training Mode Button
Set your Cross|Up to profile switch "II" then hold the P4 button while you are plugging in your Cross|Up.

UP: Options
DOWN: Touchpad
Training Reset Positions (Side / Center / Left Side / Right Side, etc): Hold down the Left Stick buttons while you hold the Training Mode button.
K1 - Platform Fighters (Smash Bros.)
Set your Cross|Up to profile switch "II" then hold the K1 button while you are plugging in your Cross|Up.

- Smash Bros
- Rivals of Aether
- Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
- Multiversus
Hold down the TILT buttons for different walk speeds and tilt attacks.
LS to DPad and C-Stick modes turn the joystick into different inputs while held.
Additional Notes From Dustin:
K2 - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Soft Drift)
Set your Cross|Up to profile switch "II" then hold the K2 button while you are plugging in your Cross|Up.

A = Gas
B = Brake
ZL = Item
ZR = Drift
Left = Soft Drift Left (charges mini turbo)
Right = Soft Drift Right (charges mini turbo)
Down-Left = Hard Turn Left
Down-Right = Hard Turn Right
Up-Left = Slight Turn Left
Up-Right = Slight Turn Right
Soft Drift:
Left & Right charge Ultra Mini Turbo (not diagonals).
Drift and hold Left or Right for the fastest boost charge!
Menu Navigation: Dislocating the Down button makes it awkward to glide and navigate menus at first, but it is worth the adjustment!
- Forward Steering: Pushing the stick forward while steering gives very fine steering.
- Neutral Steering: Keeping the stick level while steering is a nice medium range steering.
- Pulling Back: Pulling the stick back while steering gives the maximum hard turn.
In MK8 the medium range "neutral steering" just also happens to perfectly charge your mini turbo boosts with a softer drift around turns. (Which is a big deal!)
K3 - Super Mario Odyssey
Set your Cross|Up to profile switch "II" then hold the K3 button while you are plugging in your Cross|Up.

Long Jump your way through the many worlds of Mario Odyssey!
B / A = Jump
Y / X = Throw Cap
ZL / ZR = Crouch / Pound
Simple and effective layout, but also designed with technical play in mind.
Instant Roll Canceling and Bumping, as well as easy access to both X/Y
Cappy buttons for Double Vaulting Cap Jumps, etc.
Full detailed description in the Cross|Up Designer.
Additional Notes From Dustin:
K4 - Diablo IV
Set your Cross|Up to profile switch "II" then hold the K4 button while you are plugging in your Cross|Up.

Overall, D4 is a great game with great console support!
Cross|Up makes it feel like an arcade hack 'n slash like Gauntlet. Have fun!
Some highlights:
- R3 is a large improvement for gamepads and XU.
- Recommended:Set R3 to sustain after combat as a targeting toggle.
- This lets you target mobs off screen!
- Right Stick (Camera Mode) changes monster aim during R3 targeting.
- Once target is locked, you can easily strafe and kite any enemy. Easy turnaround shots, dodging, etc.
- Camera Mode is set to *not* have an initial delay. This lets you run and gun faster while choosing your targets.
- Camera Mode also lets you run long distances without having to hold the stick!
For full details, check out the profile in the Cross|Up Designer.
Additional Notes From Dustin:
I'm so very lucky that I've gotten the opportunity to cross up my two favorite things: fighting games and Diablo!
Diablo games and any isometric aRPGs are a special experience on Cross|Up for those who remember the magic of classic beat 'em ups in the arcade. Nowadays controller support has become standard in this genre and it continues to improve, so Cross|Up is becoming a natural fit!
For more looter profiles, be sure to check out the "Looter_ARPGs" folder in the Designer profile browser.
Additional resources:
- Button Remapping - you can edit and customize the secret menu in the Cross|Up Designer.
- Training Mode Profiles - specially built profiles to get the most out of training mode.
- Browsing Profiles - easily look through all of the profiles that come with the Designer.
For more information and guides on the Cross|Up Designer, browse through the Cross|Up Designer Index or use select the "Designer" tag at the bottom of this post.