We have many profiles that come with the Designer Software for the Cross|Up. Some take advantage of Training Mode, others are alternative ways to think of the games you play.
If you are looking to experiment with these profiles, or create and save your own, you will need to know how to import and export layouts.
Before you continue, be sure you have the Cross|Up Designer Software: Downloads Page
Profile Browser & Importing
You can easily import profiles from your computer to put into your Designer by using the Profile Browser.
First, choose which profile slot you want to import a new profile to.
Then select "Browse Profiles" at the top of the Designer to access the Profile Browser.
You can also press Ctrl+I on your keyboard to access the Profile Browser.
A new window will open that will provide you access to some useful functions.
- Browse More... : Opens the folder of all of the Cross|Up profiles in Windows Explorer.
- <<< & >>> : Browses through the Cross|Up profiles in order within the Profile Browser window.
- Use This Profile: Take the current profile you see in the Profile Browser and puts it into the Designer.
Once you have found a profile you want to use, select "Use This Profile."
If you wish to save the profile - and all other settings - to your Cross|Up, use the "Save Controller" function at the top of the Designer. For more details, use our Loading and Saving on Cross|Up guide.
Using "Options" to Import
You can access the Profile Browser through the Options menu as well.
First, go to the Options menu on the right side of the Designer.
Next, select the "Import Layout" option.
This will open up the Profile Browser.
If you are having any issues with your Cross|Up Designer, please use our troubleshooting guide: https://www.hitboxarcade.com/blogs/support/cross-up-designer-troubleshooting. If this guide does not solve your issue, please reach out to support@hitboxarcade.com, or visit our Discord and post in the #tech-support channel.
Once you have a profile in the Designer that you like and want to keep, you can save it to your computer where you can always have easy access or so you can share it with others.
Use the drop-down menu in the top-left of the Designer to select the profile slot that has the profile that you wish to export.
If you want, you can double-click the profile name in the top left to change it. (You can do this later in the process too.)
Now go to the Options menu on the right side of the Designer.
Select "Export Layout."
The export window should show up, which will provide you some useful functionality and editing options.
- Save Profile to PC: Selecting this opens up the Cross|Up profiles folder in Window Explorer and allows you to save the profile to your computer.
- Use Custom Image: Selecting this opens up Windows Explorer and allows you to choose an image for your profile.
- As default, the profile image will be the image of the layout you have edited.
- Export Nunchuk Settings: Saves the settings you have edited for the Nunchuk to your profile.
- Export Profile Settings: Saves the settings you have edited for the Profile, such as SOCD and Cross|Input settings.
- Customization Boxes
- Profile Title: The name you want saved for the Profile.
- Profile Author: The name of the person who edited and saved the Profile.
- Profile Notes: Any additional information that you think yourself or other users should know about the profile.
- Video/Explanation Link: Provide a URL that yourself or other users can access for more information about the profile.
When you are ready and have filled out all of the information that you want, select "Save Profile to PC."
This will open Windows Explorer and allow you to save your profile anywhere on your computer.
Once you are done, you now have easy access to your edited profile and can share it with other Cross|Up users!
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If you are having any issues with your Cross|Up Designer, please use our troubleshooting guide: https://www.hitboxarcade.com/blogs/support/cross-up-designer-troubleshooting. If this guide does not solve your issue, please reach out to support@hitboxarcade.com, or visit our Discord and post in the #tech-support channel.
For more information and guides on the Cross|Up Designer, browse through the Cross|Up Designer Index or use select the "Designer" tag at the bottom of this post.